Finlay Donovan Is Killing It was one of my favorite books of the year. Fun, endlessly entertaining, and entirely too hard to put down, it was a breath of fresh air in a genre crowded with jealous friends, dark intrigue, and torrid affairs. Needless to say, I was thrilled to receive the eARC of Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead and couldn't wait to start reading.

Following the events of book one (no spoilers), Finlay finds herself in an even bigger pickle when a dangerous message appears on a chat site for fixers. Old friends, new players, and the same sense of murdery mischief, Finlay's life is about to get ripped from the book she needs to finish whether she's ready or not.
UGH. I loved this book.
Cosimano's writing is witty, sharp, and utterly engaging. I can't express enough how much I enjoyed the dialogue. Witty banter is so hard to make feel authentic, but Cosimano absolutely nails the sarcasm and humor. The comedic relief is a beautiful counter balance to the more serious moments, and I found myself blowing through chapters because I could not stop reading. It reminded me of Ray Donovan in the way that the family is dynamic and kind of a train wreck but works well to battle the underbelly of criminal activity.
Overall, Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead is a homerun you want on your TBR. Out in February, smash the pre-order now and thank me later.
Thank you to Minotaur and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for honest review consideration.